Text Fundraising in New Zealand

Twelve years, 400 charitable grants and $18m later, our Foundation is regarded as a leader in the sector. We deliver innovative communication solutions for our customers, every day, and we’d like to do the same for the charitable sector by transforming text donating. To help charities get the best out of TXT2Give, we’ve created this White Paper, drawing together research findings from Vodafone New Zealand and Vodafone UK. It includes insights, guidance and examples of how charities can get the best from text giving. It highlights what has been successful overseas  and the challenges. We’ve also explored other fundraising technologies and how they are being used in New Zealand.


Hispanic Heritage Foundation

Since being established by The White House in 1987, the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) has identified, inspired, prepared, and positioned Latino leaders in the classroom, community, and workforce to meet America's priorities. HHF is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization focused on "a Latino helping hundreds more" through year-round programs including.

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whitePaper | July 4, 2022

The Kindly Ecosystem makes it easy to purchase, track and execute certified measurable social impact on the blockchain. It was built from the ground up to not only be transparent but to also satisfy the needs for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

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Fundraising for Web 3.0 – a protocol based platform for startups and investors

whitePaper | May 19, 2022

The cryptocurrency market is worth c.a. 1.5 trillion USD, with no signs of slowing down. New tech and crypto savvy millionaires are being created every day, and will be looking to not only diversify their portfolios, but also to reinvest capital and support ventures that they believe in. AngelBlock will make that possible. Funding within the crypto and blockchain space is broken. This was especially highlighted with the COVID-19 pandemic moving more of our life into the digital space. AngelBlock will allow crypto, FinTech, and blockchain startups to raise funds, and provide support from knowledgeable, experienced professionals via our online platform. We will promote new startups providing information about their ideas, mission, plans and the people behind them, just as any professional investor would expect. No flights, no long-winded meetings, and no need for handshakes. Let’s move fundraising into the 21st century.

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Nonprofits See Big Benefits by Automating Accounts Payable

whitePaper | November 12, 2021

If nonprofit organizations were to vote on a common theme that best characterized their operations, the winner might be “doing more with less.” Although all organizations try to run as cost-effectively as possible, the imperative to do so can be especially acute for nonprofits. One of the best areas for nonprofits to boost efficiencies is in their finance and accounting processes. Download this eBook to learn from other nonprofits how you can save significant amounts of time and money by automating your AP processes, while freeing up staff to focus on higher-value activities and your mission.

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11 Trends In Philanthropy For 2023

whitePaper | January 11, 2023

The philanthropic sector is an ecosystem: a web of interdependent actors, infinitely variable, striving constantly to build something greater than the sum of its parts. The same is true in philanthropy. Each nonprofit, foundation, donor, community, or network is affected differently by our national and global zeitgeist. But as each player adapts to changes in that context, the sum of those many reactions can become a force of its own.

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Creating Strategic Plans and Goals for Every Major Donor

whitePaper | March 4, 2020

The look on her face said it all. “You want me to create a strategy for every single one of the donors on my caseload? Are you kidding me?” This is usually the reaction our team at Veritus Group gets when we tell MGOs that this will be one of the first things they need to do if they want to become successful with us. After the initial shock wears off and denial turns to acceptance, we get to work. We don’t skirt the enormity of the task. It is HARD work. We realize that. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. But they are not. And this is one of the reasons that MGOs, and ultimately non-profits, struggle with their major gift programs… they don’t have a plan. In this paper, we’re going to share with you a step-by-step process on how to put together a strategic plan for each donor. This is the same process we use with our clients to help them overcome what they think is insurmountable. Once MGOs start working on this process, they realize that not only is it possible, but it’s necessary for them to stay on task and become successful.

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Confronting Wicked Problems 5 Strategies for Reimagined Leadership in the Social Sector

whitePaper | December 19, 2019

Our complex, changing world continually challenges leaders to be flexible and innovative. At the heart of efforts to create change, nonprofits, agencies, communities, and funders are working to uncover the roots of some of our greatest social issues, so-called “wicked problems.” At the Center for Creative Leadership, we have had the privilege to work alongside many social sector partners as they invest in improving the health of entire populations, transforming education to serve all, and alleviating persistent, intergenerational poverty. These experiences have led us to an increased understanding of the aspects of leadership that propel these efforts to greater success.

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Hispanic Heritage Foundation

Since being established by The White House in 1987, the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) has identified, inspired, prepared, and positioned Latino leaders in the classroom, community, and workforce to meet America's priorities. HHF is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization focused on "a Latino helping hundreds more" through year-round programs including.
