Ten Faces of Philanthropy

November 23, 2017

Philanthropy today is expressed primarily in the form of time, money or experience contributed by individuals for the greater good. Yet, as we all know, mobilising these resources is no easy task. Meanwhile, the needs seem to be increasing by the day. In many areas, governments have no alternative but to rely on private initiatives. The purpose of philanthropy is not to resolve this dilemma, which continues to fuel intense public debate. Yet philanthropy is undoubtedly influenced by it.



YouCaring is the leader in free online fundraising. Our compassionate crowdfunding platform empowers people to help others overcome hardships and enjoy happier, healthier lives. We believe that kindness is powerful, which is why we provide free fundraising for humanitarian causes so more money finds its way to the right places, doing more good for more people.

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Connected Philanthropy

whitePaper | December 21, 2021

We live in a world that is changing both rapidly and dramatically. Climate change threatens hundreds of millions. Policy changes have reduced or eliminated many of the benefits in healthcare, education, and other areas. Mass migration overwhelms the availability of resources needed as a result of the influx of new immigrants. The public sector can’t keep up, which means that philanthropy needs to work harder than ever to fill the gaps and improve people’s lives. At the same time, philanthropy has a new generation of mega-donors, many of whom come from the tech sector and find the established processes in funding dated and limiting: they lack capacity, visibility, and the ability to collaborate widely. The rapid growth in donors and money flowing through the system, coupled with the increasing demand for nonprofits to meet needs locally and globally, make it harder for all of us to quickly and efficiently connect funders to the boots on the ground.

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Five Essential Strategies for Higher Ed Fundraising

whitePaper | October 20, 2022

According to the most recent CASE Voluntary Support of Education Key Findings survey, higher education institutions in the United States saw a 6.9% increase in donations in 2021, fueled overwhelmingly by unrestricted giving and donations from alumni. Within this unprecedented philanthropic landscape, every institution should be evaluating whether they have the best tools and strategies in place to drive constituent giving.

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3 Keys to Fundraising for Nonprofits in 2022

whitePaper | June 7, 2022

The fundraising landscape has dramatically changed due to the pandemic and a shift to more activities being remote. Nonprofits throughout the world face the daunting challenge of continuing operations that rely largely on fundraising and charitable giving from a network of donors facing their own financial hardships.

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Corporate Foundations & Grantmaking Toolkit

whitePaper | July 30, 2021

Nearly all companies engage in corporate philanthropy as a means of giving back to the communities in which they operate. This includes financial contributions, product donations, in-kind services, and employee matching and volunteering. Technically, a corporate foundation is classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a type of 501(c)(3) public charity called a “private non-operating foundation.” The Internal Revenue Code does not distinguish corporate foundations from family foundations. Both are subject to the same regulations. From a practical stand point, however, there are differences in funding and governance. A corporate foundation is funded by a company, instead of an individual or family. And the board members of a corporate foundation are typically company executives. However, only a fraction of these companies take advantage of the additional benefits that come from adding a corporate foundation to their philanthropic efforts. This toolkit will help you understand the benefits of a corporate foundation and provide an overview of the operational requirements.

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7 Compelling Benefits of Cloud Computing and the 3 Most Important Facts Every Nonprofit Should Know Before Purchasing a Cloud Solution

whitePaper | January 27, 2020

Moving to the cloud has many benefits and is perhaps the most important technology advancement in decades - promising immediate and posi ve impact on Nonprofits who adopt cloud compu ng.

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Employee Benefit Considerations for the Non-Profit Industry

whitePaper | April 13, 2020

Nonprofits make a significant contribution to both the quality of life and the economy in this country. From chambers of commerce and hospitals to churches, disaster relief organizations, environmental advocacy groups, homeless shelters and labor unions, it would be difficult to find an American who is not touched in some way by one of the nearly 1.5 million nonprofits.

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YouCaring is the leader in free online fundraising. Our compassionate crowdfunding platform empowers people to help others overcome hardships and enjoy happier, healthier lives. We believe that kindness is powerful, which is why we provide free fundraising for humanitarian causes so more money finds its way to the right places, doing more good for more people.
