An Executive Action Blueprint for Nonprofits

December 12, 2017

No one wants to believe that they or their company has a bias, especially nonprofit organizations whose purpose is to do social good. But, it happens. Conscious or unconscious bias reduces your openness to people who are different from you, and in turn, can dramatically affect your hiring process.


Mission Australia

Mission Australia is a non-denominational Christian charity that has been helping vulnerable Australians move towards independence for more than 155 years. Every day we support people nationwide by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more.

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Supporting Grantee Capacity

whitePaper | July 5, 2022

In supporting Grantee Capacity: Strengthening effictiveness together, we look at how funders approach building capacity with grantees. through example from foundation ranging in size, mission, and geography, we explore various strategies for capacity building and the type of awareness that funders can choose to incorporate in decision making to faciliate informed, thoughtful judgements about strengthening organization.

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11 Trends In Philanthropy For 2023

whitePaper | January 11, 2023

The philanthropic sector is an ecosystem: a web of interdependent actors, infinitely variable, striving constantly to build something greater than the sum of its parts. The same is true in philanthropy. Each nonprofit, foundation, donor, community, or network is affected differently by our national and global zeitgeist. But as each player adapts to changes in that context, the sum of those many reactions can become a force of its own.

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Creating Strategic Plans and Goals for Every Major Donor

whitePaper | March 4, 2020

The look on her face said it all. “You want me to create a strategy for every single one of the donors on my caseload? Are you kidding me?” This is usually the reaction our team at Veritus Group gets when we tell MGOs that this will be one of the first things they need to do if they want to become successful with us. After the initial shock wears off and denial turns to acceptance, we get to work. We don’t skirt the enormity of the task. It is HARD work. We realize that. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. But they are not. And this is one of the reasons that MGOs, and ultimately non-profits, struggle with their major gift programs… they don’t have a plan. In this paper, we’re going to share with you a step-by-step process on how to put together a strategic plan for each donor. This is the same process we use with our clients to help them overcome what they think is insurmountable. Once MGOs start working on this process, they realize that not only is it possible, but it’s necessary for them to stay on task and become successful.

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40 Nonprofit Trends for 2020

whitePaper | February 12, 2020

As technology and innovation continue to be in the forefront of the nonprofit sector, 2020 will be about learning more about what these technologies and solutions have to offer and tying them back in with traditional fundraising strategies. New bright and shiny technologies are offering what seems like limitless ways to connect with donors. But it’s important to remember that donors still need human interaction, personalization and relationships, so the tried-and-true fundraising strategies shouldn’t just be tossed out the door.

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8 Traits of Successful Grant Writers

whitePaper | January 16, 2020

Grant writing success comes with experience. Done well, it can change the landscape of your nonprofit and the lives of your clients. Adding grants to your fundraising strategy can be daunting, but by emulating these traits of experienced and successful grant writers, you can increase your likelihood of success when submitting requests.

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Metrics for Mission Impact How Nonprofits Can Strengthen Outcomes through Quantitative Measures

whitePaper | March 25, 2020

In their seminal article, "Nonprofit Starvation Cycle", Ann Goggins Gregory and Dan Howard exhort nonprofit finance professionals to report to funders the real costs of running nonprofit organizations. The authors explain that the popular trend to restrict funding to specific programs without accounting for infrastructure expenses leads to an unintended consequence, a "nonprofit starvation cycle", where charities cease to function because they can't pay for overhead costs, such as administrative employees, computers and electric bills. To break this unhealthy cycle, the article encourages nonprofits to recalibrate funder expectations by providing accurate financial reports and other supporting information to reflect the true costs of nonprofit operations.

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Mission Australia

Mission Australia is a non-denominational Christian charity that has been helping vulnerable Australians move towards independence for more than 155 years. Every day we support people nationwide by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more.
