A Nonprofit's Guide to Suggested Donation Amounts

March 14, 2018

Research tells us that offering donors a choice of giving levels will increase the overall average donation size. Your own experience confirms that donors will give more when they’re prompted with specific amounts. Some nonprofits manually test their forms, changing donation amounts every few weeks or months and recording those results.


Charity Intelligence Canada

Charity Intelligence Canada (Ci) began out of frustration in 2006. We questioned if our own charitable giving was making a difference. We wanted to move away from traditional giving methods toward a better way of giving. But we could not find high quality evidence-based research to help guide our giving decisions. Nor could we find an independent third party to turn to for advice. And so we began calling charities from across Canada, asking hard questions and seeking excellence. Our approach to charitable giving is different. Just as a financial analyst researches potential stocks to find the best investment opportunities, Ci uses similar research methods to find exceptional charities for donors. Ci also helps donors create a balanced giving portfolio to best reflect their giving interests and the change they hope to achieve. As a result, donors have the tools they need to give better and get higher returns on their donations - donations based on evidence, not on emotion.

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2023 Top Risks for Nonprofits and Associations

whitePaper | February 2, 2023

A year ago, the phrase “the new normal,” was commonly used to describe expectations for 2022. This year, the word “normal” is largely absent. Nearly every risk report looking ahead to 2023 begins with a litany of disruptions and challenges organizations are facing: COVID-19 variants, inflation, higher interest rates, staffing shortages, cyberthreats, war in Ukraine, supply chain disruptions, increase in energy prices, political and social change, and more.

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Corporate Foundations & Grantmaking Toolkit

whitePaper | July 30, 2021

Nearly all companies engage in corporate philanthropy as a means of giving back to the communities in which they operate. This includes financial contributions, product donations, in-kind services, and employee matching and volunteering. Technically, a corporate foundation is classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a type of 501(c)(3) public charity called a “private non-operating foundation.” The Internal Revenue Code does not distinguish corporate foundations from family foundations. Both are subject to the same regulations. From a practical stand point, however, there are differences in funding and governance. A corporate foundation is funded by a company, instead of an individual or family. And the board members of a corporate foundation are typically company executives. However, only a fraction of these companies take advantage of the additional benefits that come from adding a corporate foundation to their philanthropic efforts. This toolkit will help you understand the benefits of a corporate foundation and provide an overview of the operational requirements.

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How Scalable Nonprofit Accounting Software Impacts the Bottom Line and Benefits the Auditing Process

whitePaper | April 7, 2021

As your nonprofit organization grows, so should your accounting software. The financial responsibilities of a nonprofit evolve over time as the organization achieves its goals, expands its mission and adapts to new variables.

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Nonprofits See Big Benefits by Automating Accounts Payable

whitePaper | November 12, 2021

If nonprofit organizations were to vote on a common theme that best characterized their operations, the winner might be “doing more with less.” Although all organizations try to run as cost-effectively as possible, the imperative to do so can be especially acute for nonprofits. One of the best areas for nonprofits to boost efficiencies is in their finance and accounting processes. Download this eBook to learn from other nonprofits how you can save significant amounts of time and money by automating your AP processes, while freeing up staff to focus on higher-value activities and your mission.

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New best practices to connect with today’s charitable donors

whitePaper | March 9, 2021

Nonprofits have adapted to the challenges of 2020 and pivoted from charity galas to virtual events, while ramping up digital outreach and direct mail campaigns. To help nonprofits continuously connect with donors Data Axle surveyed 1,200+ charitable donors and gleaned insights into their behaviors and preferences – including how they like to give, why they remain loyal, their legacy giving plans, and much more.

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8 Nonprofit Fundraising Ideas (and How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Them)

whitePaper | February 26, 2020

Big promises are being made about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it will impact our lives. Experts say AI is slowly “edging” its way into daily life, but tectonic changes in transportation, the workplace, and lifestyle have yet to pass. So, when will AI truly “arrive”? In some areas, it already has. One such area generating substantial value is, perhaps surprisingly, the nonprofit space. While nonprofits aren’t historically at the forefront of technological advancement, this sector is quietly becoming an early adopter of AI.

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Charity Intelligence Canada

Charity Intelligence Canada (Ci) began out of frustration in 2006. We questioned if our own charitable giving was making a difference. We wanted to move away from traditional giving methods toward a better way of giving. But we could not find high quality evidence-based research to help guide our giving decisions. Nor could we find an independent third party to turn to for advice. And so we began calling charities from across Canada, asking hard questions and seeking excellence. Our approach to charitable giving is different. Just as a financial analyst researches potential stocks to find the best investment opportunities, Ci uses similar research methods to find exceptional charities for donors. Ci also helps donors create a balanced giving portfolio to best reflect their giving interests and the change they hope to achieve. As a result, donors have the tools they need to give better and get higher returns on their donations - donations based on evidence, not on emotion.
