School Fundraising

October 11, 2018

Most principals report they wouldn't fundraise if they didn't have to. Even so just knowing the potential pitfalls can help you run a smarter, more effective fundraiser this year. Many schools hold more fundraisers than the average American is willing to participate in, and that doesn't even count other groups' overlapping fundraising events. Fundraising tip: Studies show that schools with fewer fundraisers can actually raise more funds.



Instiglio ties funding to results, making sure every cent spent fighting poverty has the greatest possible impact. Our mission is to empower leaders in the social, public, and private sectors to improve the impact of social programs in developing countries by linking funding to results. We bring results-based financing, particularly social impact bonds (SIBs) and performance-based contracts, to developing countries to bridge the gap between what activities we know work to fight poverty to what we're actually doing on the ground.

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How To Tutorial on Nonprofit Storytelling

Infographic | January 14, 2020

It may seem counterintuitive to start with a story when crafting a marketing strategy, but, because stories help us relate and are memorable, they can ground your nonprofit’s strategy. Storytelling is a valuable tool to help donors understand the context in which you operate by seeing the challenges your beneficiaries (or your nonprofit) are facing.

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22 Ideas to Reenergize Your Fundraising in 2022

Infographic | March 3, 2022

Nonprofits successfully navigated the challenges posed by the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and though the traditional methods of fundraising and giving were challenged, new trends have emerged for both donors and nonprofits. To help you make the most of the new year, we outlined 22 new fundraising strategies to drive fundraising success in 2022.

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The 2021 Fundraising Outlook

Infographic | October 4, 2021

The online survey of 1,964 nonprofit professionals was conducted between September 7–October 1, 2021. Data is self-reported, not transactional. In September of 2021, we conducted a survey to better understand how event and online fundraising has evolved this past year, and how nonprofits are preparing for a post-pandemic future. This report looks at some of the year’s biggest challenges, where nonprofits are finding success, and the outlook for 2022. Results are based on an online survey of 1,954 nonprofit professionals, representing a wide cross section of organization sizes and industries.

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4 Key Steps to Share Your Brand's Philanthropic Story

Infographic | February 19, 2020

90% of Americans say that they are more likely to trust and feel loyal to companies that back social causes.' Making your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) story readily accessible online is essential to engage consumers, attract more eyeballs, and enhance your overall brand image.

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7 facts every nonprofit fundraiser should know about the path to online donations

Infographic | January 24, 2020

Successful online fundraising involves more than a donation page -it requires creating a complete path from acquisition to cultivation to conversion, with a website as mobile as your donors.

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AI for Nonprofits

Infographic | March 3, 2020

Nonprofits already have access to a vast wealth of data. Al empowers the sector to act on data in more meaningful ways, driving decision-making practices.

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Instiglio ties funding to results, making sure every cent spent fighting poverty has the greatest possible impact. Our mission is to empower leaders in the social, public, and private sectors to improve the impact of social programs in developing countries by linking funding to results. We bring results-based financing, particularly social impact bonds (SIBs) and performance-based contracts, to developing countries to bridge the gap between what activities we know work to fight poverty to what we're actually doing on the ground.
