Three Ways AWS and New Relic Can Enhance Your Fundraising Efforts

Three Ways AWS and New Relic Can Enhance Your Fundraising Efforts
Tune in to this webinar to explore the ways cloud technology can transform the ways nonprofits approach fundraising. With the help of cloud-based tools and platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and New Relic, nonprofits can streamline their operations, connect with donors more effectively, and access real-time data to inform their fundraising strategies.
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Latest Developments in Government and Nonprofit Accounting and Auditing


This year is indeed another year of significant change in the world of government and nonprofit accounting and auditing. Time is valuable, and it’s hard to stay current in today’s rapidly changing environment. Let us save you time and effort in staying current through this informative update course. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 30 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of the latest developments in government and nonprofit accounting and auditing.
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5 Ways Your Donation Page Could Be Failing Your Donors

Creating a donation page that is clear, concise and user friendly is essential for nonprofits who want to increase their revenue. But, as fundraisers, we tend to have an idealistic picture of what it looks for a donor to give. We assume donors trust us, are motivated to give, and just need a streamlined way to enter their credit card info. But the data tells us that we fail our donors 78% of the time they visit our donation pages. In this session, you’ll discover 5 common ways that your donation page could be failing your donors.
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Foundations are learning more about themselves and their grantees, assessing the accuracy and impact of their strategies, and using data to improve upon and sustain their work like never before. While digital data holds tremendous promise for how the sector uses and shares its work, it also raises broader challenges associated with privacy, security, and responsible use. And for nonprofits – particularly those that work under oppressive regimes – these issues could not be more critical.
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Easy (but Powerful!) Donor Stewardship Strategies that Drive Donations

Stop losing donors! Learn how to love your donors so they love you back (by giving you money). You work hard to raise money for your nonprofit to fulfill an important mission. But if you aren’t taking good care of your current donors, your fundraising program is just spinning its wheels. Building a strong donor program is about showing your donors the love after they’ve given you money so that they stay happily by your side, giving more and larger gifts, year after year. In this webinar, Megan Amundson will walk you through the top reasons donors leave (or stay with) nonprofit organizations. Learn how you can keep more of the donors you’ve already inspired to donate to you to build a stronger fundraising program. And you’ll learn some key actions you can take today to show your donors the love they’re looking for.
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