The Philanthropic Heart: How To Stop Trying To Get People To Care and Start Connecting to Your True Long-Term, Loyal Donors

The Philanthropic Heart: How To Stop Trying To Get People To
Have you ever wished for a magic formula…the one strategy that will turn anyone you meet into loyal, long-term donors? A magic formula so powerful, you will never have to worry about marketing or fundraising again? I WISH I DID TOO! Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula but we often act as if there is. We think if we say just the right thing, have the fancy brochure or pitch it the perfect way, then we can convert someone. One more email, appeal letter or cup of coffee. When we try to convince people to care, we don’t take into consideration the donor’s passion or experiences.
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Leaving Luminate CRM: Considerations for Nonprofit Leaders

We all know Luminate CRM (LCRM) is reaching its end-of-life in June 2022. But what does that actually mean for nonprofit organizations who must replace it? If you are a nonprofit executive or director who is concerned about the implications of a transition from LCRM - for your budget, or for your staff - this 30-minute session is for you. We’ll demystify the implementation and data migration process, discuss the opportunities that the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) presents for organizations currently on LCRM, and talk about planning for adoption success.
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Track Donor Engagement and Boost Your Fundraising Efforts

Do you know who your most engaged donors are? Your donors interact with your organization in a variety of ways, and not just by donating. With a strong donor engagement strategy, you can focus your time and energy on cultivating and retaining the donors you already have, rather than continually reaching out to new donors.
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Analytics for Nonprofits Customer Showcase

Did you know that 66% of nonprofits reported not always making decisions based on data and evidence? Understanding and acting on your data has become more important than ever. Join us to hear about the analytics journey of different nonprofits.
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Make an Offer They Can’t Refuse

While nonprofits can ignore the importance of individual donors, corporate partners can bring unmatched powerful support to organizations, including: Skills-based support & training Workplace giving programs In-kind donations Volunteers or a volunteer grants Sponsorships for fundraising events Matching gift programs Often times, the outreach process is less than easy to find corporate partners for your nonprofit. It’s intimidating, frustrating, and incredible amounts of work to get even one ‘yes.’
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