The Marketing 101 Guide for Fundraisers

All about the donor journey and why it's important. What is content marketing and how can your nonprofit benefit from it. Why your nonprofit should be A|B testing (and give you examples of what to test). How to write the perfect donor email. So grab a coffee and your notetaking method of choice and get ready to learn.
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Take Your Events and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Online


Learn how to call on your supporters and conveniently manage your charity’s events such as galas and golf tournaments, or peer-to-peer social fundraisers like walkathons and runs, all in one place.Join Jacob O’Connor and Lucas Froese from the CanadaHelps Charity Engagement Team, as they walk you through just how easy it is to take your ticketed events and social fundraising campaigns online.
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Redefining What Leadership Means to Today's Nonprofit

NonProfit PRO

As nonprofit organizations evolve, one thing is constant: a successful nonprofit depends on powerful leadership to drive its growth. Nonprofits are becoming more aware of how important leadership is to its growth and sustainability the foundation that paves the way toward nonprofit success or failure which is why NonProfit PRO partnered up with Neon One to release the "2019 Nonprofit Leadership Impact Study."
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The State of Modern Philanthropy


There are a lot of fundraising reports out there, but few provide data that’s truly actionable. The State of Modern Philanthropy is a brand new report from Classy that explores online and mobile fundraising trends and closely examines donor behavior across our platform in 2017.We surface data relevant to your organization and take it a step further by providing helpful tips, insights, and suggested tests. Join us for a sneak-peek that your team can’t afford to miss this.
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Data Driven Nonprofits


Nonprofit organizations are vital to making meaningful change in the world, and they have significant amounts of untapped potential in their data. This session will focus on how nonprofits can use the right strategies, skills, and guidance to make better decisions based on their data. Join Steve MacLaughlin, director of analytics at Blackbaud, for a fast-paced session highlighting key insight from his latest book, Data Driven Nonprofits.
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