The Future of Technology for Nonprofits and Associations

The Future of Technology for Nonprofits and Associations
Learn technology innovation applicable to nonprofits and associations and gain a perspective on what kinds of technological innovations of specific interest may be arriving and their relevance to associations and other nonprofits. Spark your imagination on how organizations’ operations might be dramatically altered by advances in technology.

This entertaining presentation provides perspective on the future of technology from the perspective of the past and tips on how to evaluate and when to consider implementing technology advances.
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Data Security for Nonprofits in a Remote Workplace

About 80% of employees worked remotely during the pandemic, up from 30% before COVID-19. Nonprofits now face new pressures as hybrid work models and remote work environments are becoming the norm. This video explores the issues nonprofits face with remote and hybrid workplace models and offers tangible steps you can take to mitigate those risks.
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Intro to Snapchat for Nonprofits


In this free webinar, we’ll dive into an introduction to Snapchat for nonprofits. We’ll look at hownonprofits can get started on Snapchat, what they can/should post, and who’s already using Snapchat.
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How to Digitally Transform Your Spring Fundraising Event

Spring event season is just around the corner. As your nonprofit starts to plan for a successful virtual, hybrid, or in-person fundraising event, you might be pondering ways to drive more donations and boost audience engagement. Watch the on-demand webinar, How to Digitally Transform Your Spring Fundraising Event. We’ll uncover campaign elements to help you digitally transform your event, connect with supporters, and raise more money this spring.
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Kickstart Your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Whether peer to peer fundraising has been on your to do list or it's something you're considering for the first time, your organization deserves to be able to fundraise through every available channel. Essentially a way to have others fundraise for you, peer to peer fundraising has untapped potential to engage new audiences, increase donations, and develop a new or increased stream of revenue. Watch this recording to learn how to plan and execute peer to peer fundraising and empower others to fundraise for your organization from Catchafire's Nonprofit Engagement Manager Jay Jean Grey (they/them).
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