The Fundamentals of a Sustainable Recurring Giving Program

Monthly recurring revenue has proven to be more valuable than one-time donations. In 2014, the average online one-time gift was $104 and the average recurring gift was $23 per month, or $276 in one year. To help you build a recurring giving strategy, we’ve invited Matt Scott, Chief Development Officer at CauseMic, to break down monthly giving best practices taken from industry leading nonprofits.
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Creating a Sustainable Future for Your Nonprofit Through Your Employees

NonProfit PRO

The reality is that many nonprofits are struggling with a high-staff turnover rate, which supports the fact the biggest challenge facing leadership teams in the nonprofit sector is finding adequate resources. What nonprofits don't realize is that their team of staff members is their organization's biggest asset, one that can make a big impact in the world.
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10 Tips and Tricks for a Successful Grant Seeking Strategy


In this recorded webinar, we will go through ten tips that all grant professionals can use to help implement a successful grant seeking strategy in their organization. We will look at specific examples of how these tips can and have been successfully used so you can consider how to best utilize the information within your own organization. In this recorded webinar, we will go through ten tips that all grant professionals can use to help implement a successful grant seeking strategy in their organization.
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Help us kick off the year with this special webinar where fundraisers drive the topics. ‘Nonprofit Therapy Session’ is the place to ask anything about fundraising – and get the straight answer. Join Patrick Kirby, Founder, Do Good Better Consulting, as he puts the “fire” in this fireside chat, with a lively and interactive discussion.
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Building a Case for Support | What You Need to Know

Donors have a limited amount of funds and attention to give in a year. By reframing how you communicate your mission and the importance of your work, your organization’s narrative can be heard through all the uncertainty - whether it’s breaking news, environmental emergencies, or competing causes. Watch this webinar to learn how to build a versatile case of support and how this fundraising tool will set you up to reach your donation goals for 2022 and beyond.
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