Social Media 101 for Nonprofits

Social Media 101 for Nonprofits
This session includes practical tips and tools for extending your cause and mission via social media. We cover the basics of using social media for your nonprofit organization and give you handy tips for the “big 3:” Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You may be surprised to learn that Facebook is less important than you’ve been told and LinkedIn may be more important.
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10 Strategies for Success with Digital Fundraising


Digital fundraising is about using all the digital channels at your disposal in an integrated way to reach and expand your audiences, spark engagement, and grow your giving opportunities. Developing a digital fundraising strategy is particularly helpful to reach beyond your local community and engage a broader audience interested in supporting your cause.
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Nonprofit GAAP Update


Gain a better understanding of the new standards and stay updated and informed on what needs to be implemented. It's been over 20 years since the FASB did a complete re-evaluation of the financial reporting model used by nonprofit organizations. ASU 2016-14 Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities is a result of that process and will bring some important new changes to the financial statements of nonprofits.
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Coloring Outside the Lines: Creative Approaches to Peer-to-Peer Fundraising


Organizations are finding new ways to use TeamRaiser and unique approaches to raise money and engage supporterts. Traditional walk-a-thons aren't going anywhere, but tools that were originally intended for such events are now being used for virtual food drives, mission trips, fraternity events, blood drives, and the increasingly popular DIY.
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Nonprofit Dashboards

This popular on-demand webinar highlights data needed to generate nonprofit metrics, popular visuals for those metrics, and the technology behind putting it all together in customized dashboards for each decision-maker.
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