Renovate Your Donor Data! Data Management Lessons from the American Red Cross

For many nonprofits, getting donor data under control seems like an insurmountable task. Multiple databases, multiple departments using data differently, and multiple tools to manage data - it's no wonder it can be overwhelming. How can a nonprofit get their data organized, centralized, and accessible enough so that fundraisers and other personnel can use it actionably.
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Spring Cleaning for Your Donor Data

Network for Good

Why reinvent the fundraising wheel when you can borrow ideas from your nonprofit peers? Spring is in the air! There’s no better time to organize your donor information. Whether it’s living in spreadsheets, multiple systems, or just really outdated or inaccurate, Network for Good’s Donor Management System will refresh your fundraising operations and give you the foundation you need to send spring appeals and manage your events follow-up.
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5 Time-Saving Habits to Help You Raise More Money Right Now

You hear it all the time: “I don’t have enough time to [insert x].” And there is no time that we hear this more than end-of-year. But what if there was a way to massively increase your capacity as a fundraiser without working more hours or needing more time? Well, there is, and it’s not a gimmick, it’s science.
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A Revolutionary Concept in Fundraising


There is no one right way to ask for a donation. Some people take great care preparing well-organized and complete presentations. Others prepare with just a few talking points and then use the energy of the prospect to guide the conversation. Some people are energized by the prospect of tying down a gift. For others it is a great act of courage.You have your own Asking Style, and if you learn to ask in your Style, you will be more comfortable, confident and successful as an asker.
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Data Security for Nonprofits in a Remote Workplace

About 80% of employees worked remotely during the pandemic, up from 30% before COVID-19. Nonprofits now face new pressures as hybrid work models and remote work environments are becoming the norm. This video explores the issues nonprofits face with remote and hybrid workplace models and offers tangible steps you can take to mitigate those risks.
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