Nonprofit Financial Storytelling

Nonprofit Financial Storytelling
Putting the strength of financial storytelling together with the emotional impact of your mission builds confidence at every level.
  • How do you tell the story of your nonprofit?
  • How do you measure impact?
  • How do you attract more donors?
  • How do you attract talent?
  • How do you retain and attract grants?

From financial statements and reporting to dashboards, KPIs and integrations, this webinar will explore the impact of financial storytelling for all stakeholders. Detailing what each stakeholder needs to support their involvement with your nonprofit, now and for years to come.
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Saying Goodbye to Raiser's Edge

Many nonprofit organizations are rethinking their technology stacks for fundraising and development. If you are a nonprofit executive or development director considering moving from Raiser’s Edge to a more flexible, scalable, and secure solution such as the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP), this half-hour session is for you.
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Increase Donor Retention With These Stewardship Strategies

It’s a reality that nonprofits must work hard to keep donors’ attention in today’s world. There are a zillion worthy causes out there. So how do you garner more supporters who donate regularly?
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New Year’s Resolutions for Fundraisers

We will touch upon ways in which you can successfully clean up your donor data, capture new major donors, and craft events that actually yield significant sums of money. Sprinkled with anecdotes from her fundraising work this year and incorporating the Giving USA 2021 data, Alyssa will prepare you to refine and reboot your fundraising strategies in 2023.
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How to Write an Effective Fundraising Plan for Your Nonprofit


Every non-profit, no matter how small or large, needs a strong fundraising plan in order to thrive. Join us for this hour-long webinar to learn how to write a successful fundraising plan for your non-profit. Everyone who registers will also get a copy of a complete, professionally-written sample fundraising plan. Join us to learn how to raise more money - this year - through the power of a written fundraising plan for your non-profit.
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