Meet your Donors at End of Year and Beyond

Meet your Donors Ondemnad
For several years now, Riley Children’s Foundation has worked on building their End of Year Giving Strategy. Learn how they have been able to build an engaged donor community with strong fundraising strategies using Salesforce technology.
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Donation Page Throwdown

Your donation page is an essential component of your digital fundraising. It’s often times one of the first places a potential donor is able to get to know your nonprofit, which is a huge opportunity for a great first impression. But most of the time, it’s an afterthought in fundraising. You’re too busy formulating the right strategy, handling event logistics, and creating stories to have enough time to tweak your donation page. Many nonprofits just check the box: they have a way to give online. But, that often doesn’t fit the needs of your online donors and it’s often more clunky for the users than you think. You can create a donation experience that captures your donor’s attention and help you increase donations without increased effort. In our live Donation Page Throwdown, we’ll be looking at real nonprofit donation pages to give you insight into what works and what doesn’t when it comes to your donation page.
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The Mystical Secret for Turning free Content into Valuable Donors

But the combination of rising direct mail costs and the decline of traditional events as a result of the pandemic means we need to find a new path forward. But how on earth do you acquire valuable donors online? More importantly, how do you make sure you’re not spinning your wheels and wasting your budget while figuring out what actually works to acquire online donors? The good news is that there is a repeatable online donor acquisition model that we’ve been testing, proving, and optimizing for the past 5 years – and in this session, you’ll learn exactly how to apply this methodology to your fundraising program. In this fast-paced and down-to-earth session, you’ll discover the 4-step model to acquire online donors and learn practical ideas and tactics to make it work for your organization.
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Coloring Outside the Lines Creative Approaches to Peer to Peer Fundraising

Cathexis Partners

Organizations are finding new ways to use peer-to-peer tools and approaches to raise money and engage supporters. Traditional walk-a-thons aren’t going anywhere, but tools that were originally intended for such events are now being used for everything from virtual food drives to mission trips to fraternity events to blood drives to the increasingly popular DIY events.
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5 Proven Year-End Giving Ideas to Grow Revenue

Nearly half of all donations are made in the last four months of the year, also known as the giving season. It's the perfect time for nonprofits to engage with their donors, create unique experiences and raise funds for their causes with online campaigns. Whether it is for a local “giving day,” a national event like #GivingTuesday, a year-end appeal or a giving month, when your supporters are engaged through a limited, time-bound campaign — it creates a sense of urgency that inspires more awareness and increases donations. ​
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