Growing 'forever' donors: How to steward planned & major donors to maximize engagement & philanthropy

Growing 'forever' donors: How to steward planned & major donors to maximize engagement & philanthropy
When a donor makes a bequest or major gift to a nonprofit, it’s a strong indicator of their passion for the cause, and loyalty to the organization. But many nonprofits don’t properly steward these donors beyond an initial “thank you.”
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Beyond Turning It Off and On: Nonprofit IT Best Practices

Let’s upgrade your nonprofit IT strategies! Technology can take your nonprofit work to the next level by streamlining operations, allowing you to dedicate more time to your mission-based initiatives. How can you implement and maintain new technology systems for your organization? This panel will address best practices for the use of software and equipment in support of effective nonprofit management. Join our industry experts in this discussion and learn more about nonprofit IT.
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Creating Accurate Fundraising Projections for Your Annual Budget

Ever wondered how to set and hit your annual fundraising projections with ease and confidence? Join Linda B. Haley, CFRE, President and CEO of Let’s Build Hope as she shares simple yet concrete methods to set and meet your fundraising goals while educating leaders and board members about what is feasible. You’ll receive basic tools and techniques that will ensure that you have the donors, staff, and methodology to back up your assumptions – it’s a win-win for everyone!
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9 Ways Nonprofits Can Nail It On Social

Sprout Social

Most nonprofits are strapped for resources and need creative, cost-efficient ways to engage with their audience. That’s why many nonprofits rely on social media to build awareness for their specific causes and grow their bases of support. But where do you start? And how can you stand out? Join our webinar with guest speaker Kalle Eko of MacArthur Foundation, as we discuss best practices nonprofits should follow when building their social strategy.
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The Philanthropic Heart: How To Stop Trying To Get People To Care and Start Connecting to Your True Long-Term, Loyal Donors

Have you ever wished for a magic formula…the one strategy that will turn anyone you meet into loyal, long-term donors? A magic formula so powerful, you will never have to worry about marketing or fundraising again? I WISH I DID TOO! Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula but we often act as if there is. We think if we say just the right thing, have the fancy brochure or pitch it the perfect way, then we can convert someone. One more email, appeal letter or cup of coffee. When we try to convince people to care, we don’t take into consideration the donor’s passion or experiences.
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