Fundraising Data Points to Leverage in 2022

Fundraising Data Points
As we head into 2022, now’s the time to reflect, reset, and elevate your fundraising strategy using key data insights.

We invite you to join Tracy Rodgers and Kelley Hecht Stewart, EVP Client Solutions from Pursuant for a conversation on data trends that will help drive results in 2022!

Watch the on-demand webinar, Fundraising Data Points to Leverage in 2022. Together we’ll explore emerging trends, actionable insights and lessons learned from across the sector. Defining better practices, we’ll set the stage to ensure you raise more money in 2022 and beyond.
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Giving Tuesday: Set Up Your End-of-Year Strategies for Fundraising Success

The pandemic disrupted every aspect of the nonprofit industry, requiring nonprofits to adapt quickly. This has created challenges, but also opportunities to reimagine how constituents want to engage, and use these learnings to fuel long-term strategies. Rather than falling back on "traditional" ways of engagement, we can evolve our technology and strategies to create a giving experience for supporters and work experience for fundraisers that is more agile and innovative. Join us for a webinar for tips on building agile End-of-Year strategies that scale and engage supporters in more personalized and meaningful ways.
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Renovate Your Donor Data! Data Management Lessons from the American Red Cross

NonProfit PRO

For many nonprofits, getting donor data under control seems like an insurmountable task. Multiple databases, multiple departments using data differently, and multiple tools to manage data - it's no wonder it can be overwhelming. How can a nonprofit get their data organized, centralized, and accessible enough so that fundraisers and other personnel can use it actionably.
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Managing Organizational Change at Your Nonprofit


In this webinar, Alice L. Ferris, MBA, CFRE, ACFRE and James Anderson, CFRE will discuss the stages of organizational growth, personality archetypes you may encounter, and strategies to build momentum toward change.
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Cultivating Major Gifts and Connecting with Women in Philanthropy

Join Alyssa Wright to discuss ways to identify, cultivate, and engage genuinely with high-capacity donors. Consider new insights to track in your database as well as simple ways to shape a conversation to explore deeper giving. With a special focus on women in philanthropy (happy women’s history month!), Alyssa will also touch upon the some of the networking skills and creative ways necessary to connect with women donors, allowing you to begin to organize fierce, fabulous females to join your mission with their time, talent, and treasure.
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