Dealing with Difficult People: Learn a New Skillset for Today's Multigenerational, Multicultural Workplace

It seems to happen in a lot of workplaces. Someone is difficult. It can be a client, peer or (gulp) your boss. Or it could be that incommunicative guy in the mailroom, the gossipy fundraiser, the surly receptionist or the aggressive fill-in-the-blank that puts a crimp in your day.
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Navigating the New Year: Donor retention strategies that raise more

When I started fundraising, phrases like donor attrition, lapsed donors, or low donor retention stressed me out, and I know I’m not alone. Unfortunately, most of the time when we get advice about how to better retain our donors, it’s a one-size-fits-all old-school methodology that doesn’t work for us. The fundraising landscape is changing rapidly and the way funders want to work with nonprofits is too. The methodology we are going to talk about in this webinar is a totally different way to fundraise from the beginning AND a different way to steward your donors that ensures alignment, engagement, and retention.
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GivingTwoDays: A Toolkit for Year-End Fundraising

Network for Good

GivingTuesday is behind us, but there's still time to boost fundraising on the last two days of the year where half of all the gifts made in December will be made on December 30 and 31, totaling about $30 Million. Inside of just thirty minutes, we'll preview the plan you need to retain donors for the rest of December so you can leverage the biggest GivingTwoDays of the calendar year.
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Growing 'forever' donors: How to steward planned & major donors to maximize engagement & philanthropy

When a donor makes a bequest or major gift to a nonprofit, it’s a strong indicator of their passion for the cause, and loyalty to the organization. But many nonprofits don’t properly steward these donors beyond an initial “thank you.”
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How to Raise Money from Individuals


This webinar will help you address your roadblocks asking for money. Learn how to avoid some common mistakes in fundraising from individuals and learn the facts about who gives away money and who can be asked for a donation. Take away specific language to make a strong ask, which is based on relationship-building and relationships you already have.
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