Advance Your Mission with Technology: Activating & Funding Digital for Good

We live in an epicenter of technological innovation and use technology in our daily lives. But most of us involved in the Bay Area nonprofit sector have yet to understand how the "digital transformation" happening in other industries can be initiated and practically applied within our organizations, helping us serve our beneficiaries and conduct our programs within a rapidly changing world. Foundation Center West will present a panel to address opportunities and challenges organizations face when thinking about the three areas that technology impacts organizations.
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Start the New Year Ready to Raise: A primer for Board Members

Make your board a fundraising board in 2022! The word “fundraising” can send Board Members running from the room, but in this session, we’re going to turn them around. In this one-hour course, we are going to put the “fun” back in fundraising, and show Board Members how easy it really can be. This is a great session for Board Members or staff who work with them. Learn everything you need to know to start the New Year ready to raise!
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A Data-Driven Approach to Future-Proofing Your Fundraising

It’s an exciting time for fundraising, with opportunities for growth that weren’t possible even five years ago. And yet, it’s easy to get stuck in the same-old, same-old acquisition-focused fundraising cycle. This hasn’t worked in the past, and it will only get less effective as more nonprofits adopt new ways of fundraising. The good news? With the donor data you’ve collected over the years, it’s possible to shift your focus from scattershot acquisition to targeted donor cultivation for more accessible, effective, and sustainable fundraising.
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Cryptocurrency Donations: What’s driving this trend and how do I get started?

Every nonprofit organization knows that charitable gifts are never guaranteed to come again. Over the past two years, many charities have had to tighten their belts due to the uncertainty of the fundraising landscape. At the same time, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have caught the attention of many nonprofits as an exciting new revenue stream. Led by Millennials, Gen Z and Gen X, crypto usage is way up and so is its global market value—and its power as a revenue stream for nonprofits.
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Cultivating Major Gifts and Connecting with Women in Philanthropy

Join Alyssa Wright to discuss ways to identify, cultivate, and engage genuinely with high-capacity donors. Consider new insights to track in your database as well as simple ways to shape a conversation to explore deeper giving. With a special focus on women in philanthropy (happy women’s history month!), Alyssa will also touch upon the some of the networking skills and creative ways necessary to connect with women donors, allowing you to begin to organize fierce, fabulous females to join your mission with their time, talent, and treasure.
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