A Revolutionary Concept in Fundraising

There is no one right way to ask for a donation. Some people take great care preparing well-organized and complete presentations. Others prepare with just a few talking points and then use the energy of the prospect to guide the conversation. Some people are energized by the prospect of tying down a gift. For others it is a great act of courage. You have your own Asking Style, and if you learn to ask in your Style, you will be more comfortable, confident and successful as an asker.
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Supporter expectations are changing and how we approach events is evolving. Don’t get left behind in this new race to the event fundraising finish line! Join our guests from the team at Fladeboe Advancement as they share insights and data gathered from more than 200 events in 2022.
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Understanding Millennial donors: The next wave of great philanthropists

Three-quarters of Millennials view themselves as philanthropists — more than any other generation before them. The wealthiest of this group are already having a significant impact on philanthropy. Over the next couple of decades, Millennials are poised to inherit as much as $70 trillion — providing even more fuel for their philanthropy.
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5 Fundraising Trends to Capitalize on in 2023

In 2021, economic uncertainty impacted the lives of many donors. Despite this, giving remained strong with 90% of donors giving the same or more as they did in 2021*. So what’s still ahead? We’ve taken a look at the successes Classy has seen over the past year and gathered predictions on where the social sector is headed in 2022 and beyond.
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The Key to Recurring Giving: Donor Love

Nonprofits of all sizes are facing a growing challenge in fundraising: donor retention. Less than a quarter of all donors will give more than one time to a cause. Fortunately, what they’re looking for in a relationship with an organization isn’t complicated: 85% of donors say a thank you will convince them to make a second gift. This webinar will provide you with the tools you need to build a genuinely warm and fulfilling relationship with your donors. You’ll leave with a treasure chest of ideas for making donors feel great, and plenty of examples you can use and adapt for your own professional practice. If you want to build a foundation for ongoing financial support and grow your network of committed supporters, this webinar is for you.
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