10 writing tips for fundraising planned & major gifts in unprecedented times

10 writing tips for fundraising planned & major gifts in unprecedented times
From a potential recession to the coming midterm elections, it will be more challenging than ever for nonprofits to command attention. To secure crucial planned and major gifts, fundraisers will need to break through the noise and immediately hook their supporters. It will come down to mastering techniques for powerful writing.
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What Every Nonprofit Should Know About Cryptocurrency


Hundreds of millions of dollars in cryptocurrency were donated in 2017. Because the IRS has classified cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes, it’s just like donating stocks or real estate; yet, it can be instantly converted to U.S. dollars on the public market.
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How Data And Technology Can Fuel Donations

Nonprofits of all sizes have turned to adopt and/or expand their online fundraising options to engage with donors and continue to raise funds to support their mission. So, how can you optimize your online fundraising tools to capture data that can ultimately help you cultivate more donors, increase donations and drive deeper engagement with your supporters? We’re here to make it simple. Join this webinar to learn how to implement technology to collect more data and utilize that data to connect with donors, grow revenue in less time & cost while exceeding donor expectations. For those not-so-tech-savvy fundraisers and nonprofit leaders, find out some easy ways digital technology can be used to support and increase fundraising efforts.
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How To Win At Nonprofit Social Media & Drive Engagement

Navigating social media channels and keeping up with trends can be intimidating. Tik-Tok, what? Snap, how? With that amount of social media traffic, how do you breakthrough the nonprofit noise and reach your busy supporters to drive engagement? Help is on the way! Learn insider tips for building an effective social media strategy with nonprofit fundraising and marketing expert, Ephraim Gopin, of 1832 Communications. With a solid and effective social media plan, your nonprofit can build more relationships, raise more money, and have more impact in your community. This informative and interactive webinar will help reshape online presence performance through social channels.
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How to Write an Action Oriented Annual Plan For Your Nonprofit Using a One Page Framework

Do you ever find yourself so absorbed in the day-to-day operations of your nonprofit that you can only plan a few months in advance? Maybe you’re constantly operating in crisis mode and you’re frustrated you can never seem to get ahead?
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