Inspire Donors with Compelling Videos

Inspire Donors with Compelling Videos Infographic


European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS)

The European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) is an independent, nonprofit think tank and policy research institution situated in Amsterdam. EFSAS provides strategic in-depth analysis, research, statistical data and policy advice related to developments in the fields of politics, international relations, conflict resolution, human rights, security, diplomacy and strategic affairs in South Asia.

Other Infographics
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7 facts every nonprofit fundraiser should know about the path to online donations

Infographic | January 24, 2020

Successful online fundraising involves more than a donation page -it requires creating a complete path from acquisition to cultivation to conversion, with a website as mobile as your donors.

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What We Learned from Social Giving During a Time of Social Distancing [and Looking Forward]

Infographic | November 15, 2021

The 2021 Giving Experience Study explores insights from 1,026 Social Donors who donated through event and peer-to-peer fundraising in the last 12 months.

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Nonprofits leveraging technology achieve greater impact during pandemic

Infographic | December 23, 2021

The 2022 Nonprofit Technology Trends Survey, an annual survey sponsored by Sage Intacct, asked over 900 nonprofit finance leaders about their organizations and how they are using technology to achieve mission success. The results of the report are very encouraging with a direct correlation between a nonprofit’s ability to leverage technology to pivot during the pandemic and their ability to impact their mission during a challenging year.

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AI for Nonprofits

Infographic | March 3, 2020

Nonprofits already have access to a vast wealth of data. Al empowers the sector to act on data in more meaningful ways, driving decision-making practices.

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Your Year-Round Fundraising Idea Calendar

Infographic | January 4, 2022

Year-round revenue for your nonprofit organization is always the goal. But how do you get there? Our year-round fundraising calendar offers ideas for fundraising events that can be adapted in-person, online, or in a hybrid format.

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Why Donors Give: Infographic

Infographic | December 9, 2019

We asked 3,000 year-end donors to tell us why they gave to find out what they care about most. Our conclusion: donors give out when they believe in your mission and know you do good work in the community you serve. They don’t care as much about self-interested reasons for giving, such as knowing someone on your Board or getting a tax deduction.

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European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS)

The European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) is an independent, nonprofit think tank and policy research institution situated in Amsterdam. EFSAS provides strategic in-depth analysis, research, statistical data and policy advice related to developments in the fields of politics, international relations, conflict resolution, human rights, security, diplomacy and strategic affairs in South Asia.
