IRATA International
IRATA is the sole global trade association in the work-at-height sector. IRATA International’s rope access system is a safe method of working at height where ropes and associated equipment are used to gain access to and from the work place, and to be supported there. The primary objective when using rope access methods is to plan, manage and carry out the work with minimal accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences, i.e. to ensure a safe system of work is maintained at all times, and with no damage to property or harm to the environment. IRATA International has in place a continuously evolving regime of work procedures that members are required to follow and which are monitored for compliance to ensure that a safe system of work is established and maintained. This sets IRATA International member companies apart from rope access companies that are not subject to such a rigorous scheme. Like any other method of working at height, the application of rope access should be regarded as a