Local non-profit looks to help hurricane victims

What started as a small group of family and friends trying to help out, has now grown into an official 501c3 non-profit that's provided thousands of meals to families in need. Organizers say most of their work is done locally or in neighboring states, but they also travel to help those impacted by natural disasters. “Whenever Katrina was, we took a load of food down to Gulf Port Mississippi for a church in Springdale," said spokesperson, Cindy Huffman. "Then we went to Moore Oklahoma, then we went to Houston last year.” Through a combination of money from their own pockets and donations, Love Project 24 has three full-size semi trailers at their disposal. One of them is full refrigerated, another holds additional food and household items and the last one functions as a full kitchen. Organizers say they used them to prepare tens of thousands of meals for victims of Hurricane Harvey last year. Right now the organization is trying to raise as much money as possible to cover travel and operating costs while they're on site and away from their jobs.



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