United Way Worldwide Urges Congress to Approve $60 Billion COVID-19 Relief and Economic Stimulus Package

United Way Worldwide, along with more than 50 major charities, called on Congress today to approve a $60 billion economic relief and stimulus package to help with economic recovery efforts related to COVID-19. The global pandemic is having a profound impact on the economy and it has greatly expanded the need for the charitable sector to respond in an unprecedented manner. "America's charities are the frontline responders in times of need," said Brian Gallagher, president and CEO, United Way Worldwide. "In the weeks and months to come, there will be greater dependency on the services that nonprofits provide, such as food, housing, utility, health care resources and more. This stimulus package is critical for America's charities to address increasing demands, stabilize losses from closures, and expand the scope of services available to the public."



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